Artificial Intelligence Policy Statement


Artificial Intelligence, is a significant leap in the scope and capability of technology. It has the potential to be the most powerful force for good we have yet seen. Equally, unchecked and irresponsible implementation of AI systems could be catastrophic and divisive. As technologists, we have a unique responsibility, at Green Lemon Company, we are clear in our mission…

‘Safe, ethical and meaningful implementation of AI’

This statement is made in response to the rapid emergence of powerful and accessible technologies that seem to have acquired the single description of AI. This alone is confusing as AI is a broad toolset comprising of many different technologies.  Hence, we are working hard to demystify the AI landscape, including debunking a lot of mythology and misinformation with open sessions, learning events and workshops with our communities and partners.

Some Words from Our Board

“We want our customers, staff, suppliers and communities to be part of our AI journey. To achieve this we are working with the entire AI spectrum of tools from chatbots to machine learning with openess, transparency and under the strictest ethical and data governance parameters…”

Matt Thompsett, CVO

AI Usage and Ethical Policy Statement

At Green Lemon Company, we are committed to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly in our internal workflows, customer applications, product development, and throughout our agile development lifecycle. A firm commitment to ethics, accessibility, fairness, data privacy, and transparency guides our approach to AI.

Ethical AI Usage

We believe that AI should be developed and deployed in a manner that upholds human rights, fosters inclusivity, and benefits society. Our AI solutions are designed to enhance the lives of our users and customers. We strive to avoid harm, prioritise safety, and ensure that our technology serves the public good.

Addressing Bias

We recognise that AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate or exacerbate biases present in data. To counter this, we are committed to implementing rigorous processes to identify, mitigate, and minimise bias in our AI models. Our teams are dedicated to continuous learning and improvement to ensure our AI applications remain fair and unbiased.

Accessible Technology

We are committed to ensuring that technology is accessible to all. Systems are designed and built wherever possible to a minimum WCAG standard, we dedicate resources to work specifically with the WCAG guidelines and encourage all our customers to embrace Accessibility as standard ‘best practice’. Our designers and developers use their skills and experience to create solutions

Data Privacy

The privacy and security of our users' data are paramount. We adhere to the highest standards of data protection and comply with all relevant regulations, including GDPR and where relevant; the Data Protection Act 2018, Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA), Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018 (NIS Regulations), Children’s Code (Age-Appropriate Design Code), Human Rights Act 1998, Digital Economy Act 2017, Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA), Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, and the UK Data Sharing Code of Practice.

Data used in our AI systems is anonymised wherever possible, and we take robust measures to prevent unauthorised access or misuse of data. We collect and use data transparently, ensuring that our users are informed and in control of their information.

Transparency and Openness

We are committed to complete transparency in our AI practices. We believe in making our AI processes understandable and accountable to all stakeholders. This includes being clear about how our AI systems work, the data they use, and their decision-making processes. We provide our users with accessible explanations of AI-driven decisions and ensure they have avenues to provide feedback and request reviews.

Furthermore, we welcome and encourage requests for information about our AI systems and practices. Whether you are a customer, partner, or member of the public, we are here to answer your questions and provide the information you need to understand how our AI technologies impact you.

Continuous Improvement

AI is advancing rapidly, and we're dedicated to continually refining our practices to stay true to our standards. We actively engage with a diverse range of stakeholders and AI experts to fine-tune our approaches, ensuring our AI solutions embody our core values of fairness, responsibility, and trust.

As AI evolves, so do its potential applications. Soon, we’ll be able to augment far more processes, applications, and workflows than we can today. By working hard to stay ahead of the curve, we can keep improving our practices, modernise our customers’ applications, and drive innovation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests for information regarding our AI policies, or if you wish to provide feedback, please contact us using


The Company Directors take responsibility for implementing and maintaining this policy statement and its objectives.