Jeremy Gilley

After a successful career acting in film and television, Jeremy began making films in 1995 and in 1999 founded the non-profit organisation Peace One Day to document his efforts to establish the first-ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed date.

In September 2001, as a result of Jeremy’s efforts, a General Assembly resolution was unanimously adopted by UN member states, establishing 21 September as an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on the UN International Day of Peace – Peace Day.

To prove the day can work, Jeremy and Peace One Day Ambassador Jude Law travelled to Afghanistan to spearhead a campaign that, over the years, has resulted in 4.5 million children being vaccinated against polio in hitherto unreachable areas, as a result of Peace Day agreements in the region. Peace One Day’s objective is to institutionalise Peace Day making it a day that is self-sustaining, an annual day of global unity, a day of intercultural cooperation on a scale that humanity has never known.

In 2016 it is estimated that 2.2 billion people were exposed to the Peace Day message, 940 million were fully aware of the day, resulting in around 16 million behaving more peacefully (McKinsey & Co). Jeremy has spoken at a number of high-profile conferences including giving the closing speech at the TED Global 2011 conference in Edinburgh and speaking at the 2012 3rd annual One Young World Summit in Pittsburgh, USA. Jeremy is the author of a children’s book The Making Of World Peace Day, illustrated by Pulitzer Prize-winner Karen Blessen, published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group.

In 2019, Jeremy produced the Peace One Day 20th Anniversary Celebration at the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London, featuring special guests such as Jude Law, Sting, Mark Rylance, Emeli Sande and many more. In 2020, Jeremy became an Alumni of the Institute of Real Growth and joined as an Advisor to Football for Peace Social Justice Pillar. On the 21st of September 2020, Peace One Day responded creatively to the COVID-19 pandemic with a Live Global Digital experience.

Jeremy and Jude Law produced 12 hours of dynamic online content with influential panel discussions, special interviews, live moments from every continent, Words of Peace from leading actors, and music from international artists. In 2021, Gilley directed and produced in association with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Anti-Racism Live on 21 March, the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. He also produced and directed Climate Action Live on 21 June and Peace Day Live on 21 September.


  • Africa Peace Award - Africa regional body of the United Religions Initiative (URI) 2015

  • Lennon-Ono Grant for Peace in Reyjkavik 2014

  • Champion of Peace Award at the Sahara Balkan Peace Festival - 4th October 2013

  • IVCA Fellowship - 19th October 2011

  • Carnegie-Wateler Peace Prize 2010 in The Hague - 1st December 2010

  • Cinema for Peace 2009 – Most Inspirational Movie of the Year (The Day After Peace)

  • Geneva Cinema Vérité – Cinema Vérité Award (The Day After Peace)

  • Zimbabwe International Film Festival – Best Documentary Award (The Day After Peace)

  • Britain’s Best Award 2008 (Campaigner of the Year)

  • IVCA Clarion Award Winner 2008 – Champion Award

  • James Hammerstein Award 2006

Jeremy Gilley has inspired and continues to inspire millions across the world to bring peace…


Maria Ressa


Henrietta Swan Leavitt