Green Lemon Company goes to Dorset

We've been hard at work the past month organising an event with Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust and OutSystems, which finally took place yesterday, at the Bournemouth West Cliff Hotel.

We welcomed esteemed guests from Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group, Dorset Council, amongst others.

We kicked off the day with an introduction by Matt Thompsett, then Stephen Slough and Lee Davies discussed why Dorset HealthCare chose OutSystems. Paul Hewitt then presented the low-code platform, with Ricardo Martins doing a live demo.


In the afternoon, our board team - Matt Thompsett, Jonathan Idle and Nick Hines presented who we are as a company, with Nick doing a live demo of the FOI & SAR (Freedom of Information and Subject Access Request) application we built for Dorset HealthCare, our Appiphany "app library" application and others.


We finished the day off with some dynamic Agile Design Thinking in the form of scoping sessions, where our guests teamed up to present concepts of applications they would like to build with us. We plan to build all three apps proposed in the future.


We would like to thank everyone for coming out to spend the day with us. We hope you enjoyed it, learned something and felt inspired to help us in pushing the NHS into the future!


Monday Motivation


A visit from OutSystems