Monday Motivation


Everyone has their own “Monday motivation”, that which pushes them to leave thoughts of the weekend behind and start the week off with a positive and productive outlook. Here, our Monday meeting is our motivation.

At Green Lemon Company, the quality of the work we do for our clients is our top priority. To make sure we stay motivated and on track, with clear goals in place and prepared for potential obstacles, we hold a company-wide “stand-up”. Everyone, including board members, takes their turn outlining their main goals for the week and the challenges they expect to face.

This not only gives us accountability, but also allows everyone to know all that is going on within the company and what each developer, board member or marketing executive will be working on throughout the week. It promotes transparency within the company as well as cooperation and support.

To match that, we also hold a company-wide “wash-up” every Friday, where we discuss our achievements and highlights of the week, as well as one thing we each learned - whether it’s related to the work we do or not.

Framing our week with group discussions on goals planned and goals achieved helps us have a better knowledge of both of individual and group workflows, as well as areas of excellence and potential shortcomings. This way, we are always aware of what we can do better!


Lemonites for Peace


Green Lemon Company goes to Dorset