Partnering with Affinity Initiative

We are proud to announce that Green Lemon Company is partnering with Affinity Initiative to distribute and integrate the “A BOT Named SUE” AI-based platform into our ever-growing tool belt of technologies.

Affinity Initiative brings together the best of breed technology and people to realise the opportunity Intelligent Automation brings. Affinity Initiative believes that by applying advanced technologies like RPA, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Process Mining to augment workers and automate processes in ways that are significantly more impactful than traditional automation capabilities we can build both a business model and a process strategy that when augmented by proven and experienced consultants and business partners will prove to be a real differential for our clients in an ever-changing business world.

“A BOT named SUE” (or ABNS) is a technology that allows experts to transfer their knowledge to computers. This gives the organisation the ability to replicate the decision-making process of the top experts throughout the organisation. Sue then allows the company to manage outcomes and adjust the model to its changing needs. Virtual experts have near limitless capacity and can be integrated and deployed anywhere and in any operational environment.

“We are very excited to partner with Green Lemon Company as it is a milestone for Affinity Initiative. It is also proof that our AI based platform “A BOT Named SUE” is really answering market needs in terms of Intelligent Automation” explains Michael Laurenson, CEO of Affinity Initiative.

One of our star developers, Aaron Gordon, has been working with ABNS for quite some time.

“ABNS is incredibly versatile and simple to use, it has the capabilities of traditional machine learning but also so much more.” Aaron says. “It both expands the ability to make use of AI in way more scenarios as it's not limited to big data sets, as well as enabling users to create models without the knowledge of data science.”

On the partnership between Green Lemon Company and Affinity Initiative, our CVO Matt Thompsett had this to say:

“It is fantastic to welcome this exciting new technology onboard.  Sue is a very capable component to help our customers achieve their goals.  My team love working with A Bot Named Sue and the support from the team at Affinity Initiative is legendary.  We are already integrating Sue into several PoCs and working projects, the results so far exceed our expectations.”

We’re looking forward to the continual evolution of the ABNS technology and the expansion of our own expertise along with it.

You can read more about A BOT named SUE below:


Partnering with Infosystema


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